2017-08-12: Personality #9, #10


discussion notes

  • Contraceptives, do we believe what Peterson says?

  • Workforce and happiness implications

    • Peterson also mentioned somewhere, perhaps the lecture below, that the lightbulb was the work multiplier for men, whereas the contraceptive was the work multiplier for women

    • Maps of Meaning 2017 Lecture 09

      • 1:21:00 - the older you get, the more important family is - the utility of your career peaks at around 35 - you need family for support at around 50 and especially at 80 - the birth control pill / female contraceptive allowed females to compete in the same arenas as men - well done feminism - it is a very rare woman who doesn’t have a primary desire in their 30s to have children, it is a woman with severe issues who doesn’t
  • Social implications

    • Relation to Victorian age

    • Hysteria

      • Perhaps due to their neuroticism? Neuroticism in women seems to manifest in crying and vocal dissatisfaction, in order to have others fix their problems for them - hysteria seems an extension of this

        • Crying biologically driven to invite others in to help you when you can’t help yourself

          • Men cry less, as they win the women by solving their problems

          • If men were to cry, no one would solve the problems, they’d only “accept” them - every single female driven support group ever

        • Crying pheromones

  • Beta males vs alpha males - how do men view it?

    • It seems something we accept and enjoy, a fun aspect of our drive - wrestling, sports, etc

    • Betas seem to accept their position, and even demonize masculinity - defining feminists in indefensible situations

    • Also seems a cultural situation, russia is still very alpha driven, other (western?) nations are becoming more feminine

    • Perhaps as women become more masculine, men must become more feminine to counterbalance this

    • More single mothers, more feminine men

  • Avoiding birth control makes you more careful

    • No birth control, you avoid situations which you are at risk of rape (drugs, alcohol, night walking, alone, clothing, etc) - victorian era and in islam, where one wore plain clothing (perhaps due to men having less self control)
  • Anima, animus

    • Where do you think this corruption comes from?

    • Does love reinsert?

    • Negative and positive aspects of both masculinity, and femininity

      • If one only encounters negative of one, then that may be all they see, and they may stereotype it and reject it

        • Mothers with abusive relationships, injecting their bias and experiences into the child

        • Child then rejects everything from that abusive character, rather than just seeing the bad, they must also see the good

      • If one is in love, seems they incorporate the positive aspects of the opposite, to the dance of love

        • Accept the flaws in each other, and take the best of each other into themselves - tell the truth no matter how painful
    • Women can control men by their nature, how do men control women?

  • Eastern europe and safe spaces

    • Safe spaces / gender vs sex / is very strange to eastern europe

    • Sweden, the whole country, is a safe space - they avoid conflict and seek to agree on everything