3PM UTC Podcast Meeting changed to 3AM UTC

The 3PM UTC timeslot is too late for me to remain functional, so am proposing a time change for it. The proposal will be for 3AM UTC, which will wipe out Europe, including @Natha, but be able to accomodate those east of Europe, including myself, while also accomodating the regular podcasters of @JohnBuck and @ExplorerSumit.

I’ve attached a poll below to put this to a vote, and will set the deadline for the vote as the 8th of April. So that this can be enacted on the 14th. Feel free to also discuss this further in replies to see what can work.

Another option for this is to have two podcast sessions - but then it seems overburden to those attending both, and those watching both - so I’ve ruled that one out.

  • Yes, chance to 3AM UTC Sunday
  • No, keep at 3PM UTC Sunday
  • Isn’t there another option?

0 voters

It’s ok for me, since I rarely attend the Sunday meetings. Another option would be to have it 6-8 h earlier instead of 12 h earlier, depending on how that works for others.

I was worried about excluding folks from Europe so I voted for “Ins’t there another option?” - but since those folks rarely show up it might be ok (and Natha is ok with it too). If anyone from Europe is interested they would show up in our SAT meeting first, If they are regular we can try to figure sometime out for podcast to include them.

Proposal accepted. Calendar updated.