Ep. 30 - Awakening from the Meaning Crisis - Relevance Realization Meets



my notes

Theory of Relevance vs. Theory of Relevance Realization

  • Argues can’t be a scientific Theory of Relevance
  • How science works:generate inductive generalization
  • Powerful way of reliably predicting the world
  • JS Mill: systematic import: science has to form categories, same type of thing, that support powerful inductive generalizations
  • Important properties for that category: Homogeneous
  • Wittgenstein: many categories don’t have essences
    • Some say no categories have essences, but that’s not true: ex: triangle
  • Quine: things like triangles are deductive essences, but science discovers inductive generalizations
  • Essentialism isn’t bad for things that have essences
  • Possible to do a science when we categorize things in a way that we have the essential properties of a thing
  • Reverse: we can’t have a scientific explanation of everything IF:
    • The category is not homogeneous
    • Does not support powerful inductive generalizations
    • Does not have an inductive essence
  • Doesn’t mean they don’t exist, just that can’t scientifically investigate them
  • Ex: can’t have a science of white things. Study white thing, what do I learn about it other than it is white?
  • No metaphysical implications
  • Ex: horses:
    • Seem to have an essence: if learn a lot about this horse will generalize to other horses -> veterinary medicine
    • Category stable
    • Properties must be intrinsic/internal/inherent: many objects have properties not intrinsic to object but rather object’s relationship to us (attributive properties): ex: money is money because we treat it as such, can’t do that with gold
    • Calling a bottle a bottle is attributive otherwise an object of a particular mass
    • Doesn’t mean that it’s false, just that can’t do science
  • Ex: Tuesday events
  • Relevance:
    • Does not have systematic import: like Tuesday events
    • Things that I find relevant, other than I find them relevant what do they have in common?
    • Class is not homogeneous
    • Not stable: not forever relevant
    • Internal or intrinsic to object? If there never been human beings could have relevance? Doesn’t seem so
    • Relevant seems to be relevant to someone or something
    • Relevance has to be relevant to an autopoietic thing (system capable of reproducing and maintaining itself)
    • Relevance not something for which can have a scientific theory, not intrinsic to something, no essence to relevance
  • Theory of RR can’t be a theory of relevance detection. Don’t detect relevance in the object

Analogy: Theory of Evolution

  • Before Darwin, people thought if studied the natural world could discover essence of how things were designed
  • Darwin: things don’t have an essential design
  • Evolutionary fitness: capacity to survive long enough to propagate species.
  • Fittedness: what is it about the organism that allows it to reproduce: no essential design.
  • But don’t need such a theory: need a theory about what is relevant, how an organism is fitted, constantly being designed, redefined by a dynamic process
  • Fittedness always redefining itself, constantly in a process of self-organization, no essence
  • Constantly adapting to the way the world is changing
  • Have a theory of the evolution of fittedness
  • Fittedness and the evolution of fittedness are the same thing
  • Darwin proposed dynamic systems theory of how fittedness evolves
  • Relevance analogous to biological fittedness.
  • Relevance = cognitive interactional fittedness
  • Need a theory of how it evolves
  • What if ability to:
    • Formulate problems
    • Form categories
    • Pick up on conveyance
    • Make inferences
    • Constrain the search space
  • Regulate a feedback loop. Sensory motor feedback loop -> sensing, integral to moving
  • Interact with the world, changes how sense it -> loop

Theory of Relevance Realization

  • What if there is a virtual engine regulating that sensory motor loop so that it is constantly evolving it’s cognitive interactional fittedness to its environment
  • Doesn’t have to come to any final essential way of framing the environment. Constantly evolving its cognitive fittedness to the environment.
  • So need a theory of relevance realizastion
  • Dynamical system for the self-organizing evolution of cognitive interactional fittedness
  • Would be:
    • Not humunculour
    • Consonant and continuous with how the organ (embodied brain) evolved
  • Need:
    • Set of properties are sub-semantic
    • Sub-syntactic
    • Have to ground out in establishing the agent-arena participation
    • Self-organizing processes
    • Multi-scale
    • Originally be ground out in autopoietic system
  • Bio-economical properties: think of biology as economic
    • Economy = self-organizing system constantly dealing with distribution of goods and serves, allocation and use of resources
    • Body is a bio-economy
    • We are organized so that the distribution of resources serves the contituative goal or preserving the bio-economy itself
    • So not semantic or syntactic
    • Multi-scale: simultaneous and top down
  • What kind of norms at work in a bio-economy:
    • Subsemantic: truth
    • Subanalytic: validity
    • Bio-economy: not dealing with logical, semantic norms, economies regulated by logistical norms
    • Logistics: study of proper disposition and use of resources
  • Logistical norms:
    • Efficiency
    • Resiliency: long term broadly applying efficiency
  • What if RR is this ongoing evolution of our cognitive interactional fittedness, virtual engine regulating sensory motor loop, and regulating it by regulating bioeconomy in terms of logistical norms like efficiency and resilience
  • Can describe all that scientifically
  • Multiscalular way in which bio-economy is organized to function:
    • Ex: autonomic nervous system, responsible for level of arousal: how much of metabolic resources converted to possibility of action
    • There is no final perfect design of level of arousal
    • Sympathetic system: biased, interprets world in a way to raise level of arousal
    • Para-sympathetic system: biased other way - looking for evidence to reduce arousal
    • Opposed in their goal, but interdependent in their function
    • Symnathetic always trying to arouse, para always trying to bring down. As environment changes, tug-of-war shifts around level of arousal
    • Opponent processing: level of arousal constantly evolving to fit the environment
    • Can’t be perfect
  • Vervaeke will argue that the embodied embedded braian uses opponent processing in a multi-scalar way in order to regulate bioeconomy so that it constantly optimizing your cognitive interactional fittedness to the environment
  • Efficiency and Resiliency:
    • In an opponent relationship: efficiency is a selective restraint, but if cut to the bone, all the efficiencies without remembering opponent relationship to resiliency, if one person sick no one to pick up slack, if unexpected change to the environment, noone can take it on
    • Need to be able to repair, restructure, redesign
    • If no redundancy, error floods the system
    • If too efficient, lose resiliency
  • What if have a virtual engine in the brain that makes use of the selective restraints of efficiency and the enabling restraints of resiliency and it bio-economically logistically shapes the sensory motor loop.