Parenting... should I, how to, masculine vs feminine, & power of pain

Impact Theory interview, How to Become a Better Parent, with psychologist & parenting expert Dr. Shefali, author of The Conscious Parent. In it she touches on the question, should I be a parent? She gives tactics on how to be a better parent through working on ourselves first and minimizing our ego, doing vs being 12:40-13:40. She claims the masculine spirit is one of order and the feminine spirit is chaos 14:30-16:20. She claims the biggest lesson for parents is to realize the power of pain that no one escapes from 18:50-19:50. The overarching point is for parents to understand raising children is more about the parent and to overcome that ego and be present in the moment to deeply connect with the child 23:45. It includes some counterintuitive parenting myths. It increased my peace on not being a parent. Respectfully, JK