TypeScript Conversions for Bevry Packages

The process has commenced for moving the Bevry packages to TypeScript. Currently this is being conducted as an experiment with an indeterminate result. Hopefully the experiment will pay off, and we will see usability gains due the improvements to intellisense that TypeScript affords.

As of current, there have been no bugs identified by the conversion. This is a testament to our code quality and existing infrastructure.

In progress:

  • safeps
  • kava (aka joe)
  • taskgroup
  • eachr
  • assert-helpers
  • unbounded

To be commenced soon:

  • typechecker
  • ambi

Conversions woll be facilitated through our automation tool boundation, which typescript support will be landing in this week.

If anyone would like to help with this initiative, get in touch. If you would like to fund it, or say thank you, please refer to https://bevry.me/donate